Apply for a Grant
  • Eligibility + Submission Checklist
  • Grant Application
  • Release + Submit

Eligibility Checklist

Eligibility depends on the applicant's circumstances, such as underlying causes of infertility, financial situation, other life factors and meeting the below requirements. *Infertility diagnosis as defined by ASRM
Hopeful Mama Foundation 2024 grants range in monetary value of $500 - $5,000.
The grant amounts may vary among recipients, and partial and full grants can be awarded. Funds from the grant will be disbursed directly to the recipient’s clinic and/or pharmacy. If you receive a grant, the Hopeful Mama Foundation Board of Directors will determine the value of the grant based on the Foundation's available funds and the applicant's need determined by the grant rubric. While the Hopeful Mama Foundation would love the ability to offer grants to every applicant, not all applicants will receive grants.

Application Submission Checklist

Please Note: Write N/A if the application question does not apply to you.

Important Notice: Preferred Device for Application Process

Please note that applicants are encouraged to utilize a computer rather than a phone for the application process.

Save and Continue Later

You have the option to save your work and return to complete the application at another time. Be sure to fill in your name and email at the start of the application, so you can receive the draft link in your email.

What happens after you submit your application?

Applications are reviewed by the Hopeful Mama Foundation Board of Directors. Approximately 4-6 weeks after the grant deadline, grant recipients will be notified via phone. Those not receiving a grant will receive an email. To ensure applicants’ privacy, application information for those not selected as grant recipients will be destroyed within 30 (thirty) days after grants have been awarded. Hopeful Mama Foundation reserves the right to request additional information from each applicant during the review process.
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